As summer quickly approaches, you’re most likely planning summer trips and fun activities. Well, while you make those plans, our dentist, Dr. Siti Lowery, also encourages you to make plans for your smile. It’s very important to properly and effectively care for your teeth and gums while you’re on summer break. Doing so can help you have the top-notch oral health you need. To help you care for your smile during summer break, our dentist encourages you to do the following things:

-Keep up on oral hygiene: It’s very important to brush twice a day (with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste) and floss once a day (with a flossing tool that is easy to use). If you travel often during the summer, don’t forget to pack your oral hygiene tools so you can clean your smile on the road!

-Visit your dentist: If you’re due for a dental checkup this summer, make sure to mark it on the calendar and set reminders for yourself! Your dental checkups are very important because they help you maintain a top-notch smile and they even help you prevent major dental problems, like tooth decay and gum disease.

-Wear a mouthguard: A mouthguard can protect your smile while you play high-contact sports and activities. In fact, it can help you prevent having knocked-out and broken teeth when you get hit in the face. So, don’t forget to wear your mouthguard while you’re active!

Call us at (919) 468-5501 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Siti A. Lowery, DDS to visit the dental practice at 110 Preston Executive Dr. #104, Cary, NC 27513.


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