Are you currently straightening your smile with the help of the Invisalign® smile system? If so, we congratulate you for going the extra mile to create a healthier, more vibrant smile. We know how hard you work to improve your smile. Today, our experienced dental team is happy to share some beneficial tips to care for your aligners while your smile undergoes a transformation. Let’s have a look!

— The first thing you should do when you take out your aligner for its daily cleaning, is to rinse thoroughly to remove saliva residue from your Invisalign appliance.

— Next up, you want to put the aligner into a cup of cleaner. Some patients prefer cleaning with Invisalign’s cleaning crystals, and others simply use a denture cleaner for the soak. Whichever you prefer, soaking your aligner in cleaner effectively removes plaque build up from the appliance.

— When you are ready to put the aligner back onto your teeth, you will need to do a deep cleaning on your smile first. Take a few minutes to brush and floss carefully, and follow-up with a bacteria reducing oral rinse, as needed. You want to remove bacteria which might be lurking between the teeth. If bacteria are allowed to remain on your teeth while you are wearing your aligner, your tooth enamel may suffer.

— Throughout the day, as needed, you can freshen your aligner by rinsing it with clear antibacterial soap. Before placing it back into your mouth, please be sure to rinse off any soapy residue.

Call us at (919) 468-5501 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Siti A. Lowery, DDS to visit the dental practice at 110 Preston Executive Dr. #104, Cary, NC 27513.

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