If you’re not brushing your chompers two times per day and flossing once a day, you will most likely need false teeth at some point. We’ve found that this doesn’t entice a number of younger people since lots of them don’t recognize what false teeth are. If you would like to learn more about dentures, this post is for you.

Dentures, which are also known as false teeth, are oral devices utilized to replace lost pearly whites. Regularly removable, dentures come in complete and partial types which are utilized dependent upon the number of missing chompers that are to be exchanged. The dentures recommended by Dr. Siti Lowery are custom formed, and they work well for replacing the look and functionality of missing teeth.

Being fitted for and sporting false teeth are important parts of sustaining oral health if you are missing many chompers. Without false teeth, chewing food becomes extra hard and weight management becomes a problem. Speech problems are regularly present in people missing chompers, and false teeth can fix that. Finally, self-esteem can drop when patients are missing pearly whites and unable to smile or speak appropriately. To maintain your mouth’s good health, and to keep your weight healthy and your confidence high, please talk to us about false teeth.

Call us at (919) 468-5501 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Siti A. Lowery, DDS to visit the dental practice at 110 Preston Executive Dr. #104, Cary, NC 27513.

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